Store Layout
A store layout is to guide the customers silently about where they wanted to go and it is all about exposing what the entire store could offer.
In this case, Levis store used the free-form (boutique) layout. Their fixtures and aisles are arranged asymmetrically to create a pleasant and relaxing ambience for their customers.
- Air-conditioned
- Very bright lighting
- Music in the background
- Store portrays a very clean and spotless image
- Spacious store leads to ease of movement through the aisles (wide aisles)
Their store layout and space planning seem like it has been thought through carefully.
It is easy for the customers to find the clothes that they want in the store:
- When you entered the store, you are able to see the shirts and jeans
- Deeper into the store, you can find footwears and bags.
They uses the category signage which identifies types of product and are located near the goods to guide customers to the goods they want to purchase.
A store design has to meet the needs of a target market, build a sustainable competitive advantage and to display the store’s image. It also has to provides utilitarian benefits (enables customers to locate and purchase products in an efficient and timely manner with little hassle) and hedonic benefits (offer customers an entertaining and enjoyable shopping experience).
In this case, Levis by using the category signage, it allows the customers to identifies and locate their products with ease and by using the boutique store layout, they have adequate spaces for customers to access. By having adequate spaces for customers to access, customers will have more enjoyable shopping experiences as they don’t have to squeeze in the crowd just to see one item.
Levis places their mannequins in front and in their store. For example, the levis store which we took photos of, places its mannequins in the side of their store at the front entrance of their store. They also place their discounts and promotions board at the entrance of the store. This could be to attract the customers' attention. They also place mannequins on their walls shelves Levis places mannequins in the center besides their products to add personality and beauty to its store image.